Posting Policy

Thinking of Posting to

Please read this information before posting about someone.

Posting Policy is for Escorts, Agencies, Massage providers, any ASPs (Adult Service Providers) or adult *** workers to share information about dangerous, unethical and unsafe customer encounters! When you post about a john on Verify Johns you make this information searchable and viewable on this website as well as within search engines all over the web. The more complete the information in your reports, the better chance you have of informing and protecting others and being informed and protected yourself by the reports submitted by others.

We ask you Post the below information for easy database searches and search engine indexing.

  • Name and or Aliases
  • Bulletin Board/Forum/Website Handles
  • Phone number used to contact you
  • Email Addresses
  • Address or Locations
  • Physical Description of the john with tattoos and other distinguishable traits

Before posting a john on consider What type of offense occurred?

Was it a Minor Offense?

If your client was late, stood you up, rude or just a shady character and cancels on you all too often, you might consider giving him a verbal warning before posting him to

Was it a Major Offenses?

Escorts need to be informed and stay clear of bad johns and predators and we take Major Offenses very seriously.

Each person may consider a minor or major offense differently so we have created a small helpful guide for you to peruse.

We believe a Minor Offense could be:

A client who is a time waster, late arriver, non confirmer, pic collector, last minute cancellations, he no shows, double books, goes over time and doesn’t offer additional compensation, constant calling, nuisance texter, prank callers, harassing callers, BBFS seekers (for health safety), client has poor or repulsive hygiene and manners, he barters good reviews in exchange for free or full service or even BB services. The client might be clueless or classless and have no manners or self awareness in which you might offer a verbal warning.

We believe a Moderate Offense could be:

The client harasses the escort with cell phone calls and texts even after declining services to them, repeat no showers, repeat last minute cancellations, intentionally books then no shows, shorts your pay, lies during screening, fake references, fake review writer or unwarranted bad reviews to sites, lies to by-pass screening, not bringing enough money to pay current rate, agrees to pay your rate then haggles at arrival, freebie scammer (ie: left my wallet in the car scam), verbally abusive, crossing boundaries, being aggressive or not backing off or down when asked.

A Major Offense is:

Rape, robbery, assault, bringing or using weapons, tries to drug you, refusal to pay, pays with fake or counterfeit money, gives an empty donation, pays with empty (zero value) gift cards, cancelled checks, verbal threats, persistant harassment, stalking, books fake out-calls to dangerous addresses or neighborhoods, physical abuse, he violates your hard limits or boundaries during activities, he causes you pain or bodily harm, he removes cover  (bare backing you in session), he intentionally hurts you in any way, seeks contact or activities while having noticeable visible STD’s present, he violates you by forcing services that are unsafe or not on your offering list, he blackmails you with bad reviews or harm if you decline to see him or decline to provide FS or BB services, he shows up to your incall without an appointment, he unethically obtains your personal information, he inappropriately shares your personal information or in-call location with others, he steals or destroys your personal property.

Please Note:

This guide is only a suggestion.

Your tolerances are yours and you have the final word on Verify Johns

No one here can or will tell you how you are supposed to feel about an experience or an individual. We simply ask that you consider before you post if your report will be fair to a john who is simply rude or irresponsible and if outing john for that is overly damaging.

As a true 3rd party posting public safety website we do not practice censorship but we will ask that you consider using some level of restraint or suitability when deciding whether to post a client’s full name and information.

Please be fair, and let your decision of posting a client’s full name be appropriate with the level or seriousness of his offense. No hobbyist should have their life completely ruined simply because john no showed or canceled at the last minute, or because you might be mad at john for giving you a bad online review.

We thank you for reading our posting guide and hope it has helped you out in your posting decision.



If you are inquiring about getting your name removed from you will have to get a court order as we cannot remove any reports. Thank you! Verify Johns Team